Our Charter for the Center
"For quite a long time I have had in mind the fate of many analysands who have had a less formal education. As soon as I let them out of therapy, they had to go back into their former environment and then ran the risk of losing everything they had experienced during the treatment because of their spiritual loneliness. I myself have, as you know, founded the Psychological Club more than 40 years ago with the intention of giving a centre to all those who have benefited from a spiritual awakening, in order that they could nurture and expand their understanding."
"What could really help is the creation of a similar centre where such solitary people could find a spiritual home, listen to lectures and could have a mutual sharing of experiences.... and displays of members' art work."
"Psychology gives a vital answer to questions of the present and future times, and the deeper strata of the population are more accessible and more broad-minded than one thinks. My books are condemned or smiled at in academic circles but not in the wider world and especially not in circles of ordinary unknown people from whom I receive letters of gratitude quite often."
Recently my former training analyst in Switzerland, Regine Schweizer-Vullers, shared with me a letter from Jung which he had written near the end of his life. It was directed to a local pastor in Zurich, urging the pastor to start a Center in Zurich which would serve a more general population there, a non-specialist population, so they would have a place to gather for enrichment and support in their journeys of individuation.
Christine and I have taken Jung's letter as something of a "charter" for our own Center, as we too participate in the tradition of his work. So we are posting it in our Reading Room, to give us our inspiration.
Here are a few excerpts from that letter, which we very much take to heart.
Alan Drymala
We hope that our Center will provide such a place for spiritual seekers here, for support and for soulful companionship along the way.
Alan Drymala/ Christine Chapman
C. G. Jung, in a letter to Reverend Werner Niederer, dated January 11, 1960. From the Archives of the Psychological Club, Zurich, Switzerland, courtesy of Andreas Schweizer, President. Translation into English by Ruth Billeter.